Holly L. Thomas
My editing helps ready your writing for the world.
My poems delve into matters of nature and spirit.
My articles chronicle my travels as a gregarious hermit.
My paintings and drawings play with pattern, color, and iridescence.
About me
With 35+ years of professional experience, I edit everything from websites to social media feeds, tech company promos to children's books, novels to how-to's, and book proposals to printers' proofs. I help clients clearly convey what they want to convey—in their own style.
Based on my book, Pluck Another Apple, Eve, And Finish It, I received an Emerging Poets award from the Allied Arts Foundation in 2020. My second collection is forthcoming. I share adventures and poems-in-progress on Substack as Travels of A Gregarious Hermit.
I use drawing, painting, and mixed media to balance and my word-mind and venture beyond its frontiers.
As soap and water replace holy water,
let us bless them.
As we wash,
let counting seconds
be holy too.
As celebrants wash their hands before a ritual,
let our hands summon us
to presence
over and over and over and over again—
prayer wheels,
permanently attached
at the wrists.
—From Corona
© 2020
Contact me
If you'd like to connect, email me at
and be sure to include
EDITING in the Subject line.