What clients say
Gary Malkin, Wisdom of the World Wellness
"I've been trying to get this website updated and rewritten for six years and I kept getting stuck. Now I know why. I was waiting to meet you!"
"What you do is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much."
"Holly made me a better writer."
George Lewis, Motivational Consulting Inc.
"Your work is amazing. Asking you to work on this project with me is most certainly one of the best decisions I have made since I began. Also, I have learned more about writing through your gentle coaching."
Kristin Beck
"Holly is the most impressive editor I've worked with. With her curious, creative, and direct approach to content, she fosters confidence in her writers and gets their best work out of them. She has a keen eye for design, and an editorial ear for not just structure and guidelines, but for rhythm and color."
Bryan Howell
"Holly is one of those people who immediately becomes indispensable whenever she's attached to a project. And it's not just because she's a great writer (she is), or a natural leader (ditto), or has what seems to be a limitless capacity for getting good results out of difficult people (she does), or that she can organize the hell out of any system or process (check). It's that she can do all of these things, simultaneously, and then turn around and bring even more skills to the table, seemingly on demand. When everyone else is spent, tired, and out of ideas, Holly is the one who stands up and pushes."
Jay Greenwood, author of Race to Marathon
"...poet, writer, and fantastic, eagle-eyed editor, [Holly] applied her wordsmithing mastery with a surgeon's precision and a poet's insight. To put it simply, when considering wordsmithing and editing, Holly Thomas is as good as it gets. When I started working with her, I quickly learned about two of her many strengths. First, she does, indeed, have an eagle eye—the best I’ve ever encountered. Second, her skill and cunning include far more than ferreting out subtle errors and correcting syntax or virtually any other problem that needs to be fixed. When I came to appreciate Holly’s abilities, I returned to the beginning of the book and listened carefully to her guidance and suggestions. She improved my novel far beyond my expectations. I feel very fortunate that Holly’s participation mightily elevated my book’s quality.
Jennifer Bost
"I believe it's her empathy that makes her such a fantastic writer, editor, and artist. She's very aware of what people need to be successful. . . I'm jealous of whoever gets to work with her in the future."
Dail Bridges
"Holly is a talented and skilled editor, producing high-quality work in all phases of the editing process. She is also one of the best strategic thinkers I have come across in my high-tech career. . . She keeps the customer at the forefront of all of her work, and ensures that her business partners do as well. In working with a wide variety of stakeholders, often with varying agendas, I consistently saw Holly do a brilliant job of forging solid and collaborative working relationships with each of them."
Contact me
To explore how I might be able to help you, email me at:
Please include EDITING
in the subject line.